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3 grandmas in Girona
30/05/2018 - blog

Next Saturday I will tell again, this time in Girona, the adventures of three courageous grandmas which face the most extraordinary dangers, guided by poems from Montserrat Vayreda, Màrius Torres and, of course, Carles Fages de Climent. A new opportunity to know the adventures of Francisqueta, Maria and Caterina. Àvies d’anada i tornada (Grandmas that go and come back) Storytelling session in Catalan Free entrance From 4 years Saturday 2nd June at 11:30h Biblioteca Ernest Lluch C/ Saragossa, 27 17003 Girona

on Thursday, bimbirimboies
15/05/2018 - blog

Still with my eyes full of green from the botanic garden, I prepare the kamishibai, because on Thursday we have bimbirimboies to share. See you at the library! bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà) from 4 years, free entrance Wednesday 17th May at 18h Library El Clot – Josep Benet Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38 08018 Barcelona Metro: Glòries (L1) Bus: 7, 60, 62, 92, 192, H12 Tram: La Farinera (T5, T6), Glòries (T4, T5, T6)

spring festival at the botanical garden
06/05/2018 - blog

Everything arrives. Spring and the festival. This year has been a long time coming, but next Saturday I’ll be telling stories to the trees and to anyone who wants to listen. Planta’t al botànic! Sunday 13th May, from 11:30h néixer, créixer i florir 4 miniworkshops of 20 minutes each with folktales inspired or related with trees that sprout, grow and flourish in the Botanic Garden 11:30, under the Ficus rubiginosa f. glabrescens 12:15, next to the Kiggelaria africana 13h, in the Volunteers’ Square, under the pine tree 13:45h, under the twin olive trees ...

appetizer of languages and stories
25/04/2018 - blog

The snow postponed the event, but now the day is near, and it seems it will be quiet in atmospheric terms. Next Thursday, 4 storytellers: Agnès Agboton (Gun and French), Yoshi Hioki (Japanese), Catherine Favret (French) and myself (Spanish and Catalan), we will tell in pairs or in groups stories in different languages. A creative and collaborative work in a particular «creative translation» applied to storytelling, followed by an informal chat about the making off of the performance. appetizer of languages and stories free entrance Thursday 3rd May at 11:30h Faculty of ...

orange and lemon bimbirimoies
- blog

This month, the bimbirimboies are of orange and lemon. This is what people think when they see it. But then, they taste different in the mouth of each person. If you want to taste them next week, I tell you where and when below. bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà) from 4 years, free entrance Wednesday 2nd May at 18h Biblioteca Poble Sec – Francesc Boix C/ de Blai, 34 08004 Barcelona Metro: Paral·lel (L2 & L3) Bus: 20, 21, 24, 36, 61, 64, 121, D20 Thursday 3rd May at 18h Biblioteca Sofia Barat C/ ...

Grandmas that go and come back
23/04/2018 - blog

There is a lot to celebrate: it seems that spring has finally arrived, it is the day of the book and the rose, and on top of that, this year is also dedicated to Carles Fages de Climent, the great poet of Alt Empordà. If you wish, we can celebrate it together in my region, the Alt Empordà: on Wednesday in Castelló d’Empúries and on Saturday in  Figueres, with a story about three courageous grandmas which face the most extraordinary dangers, guided by poems from Montserrat Vayreda, Màrius Torres and, of course, Carles Fages de Climent. If you want to know the ...

storytelling jam session
20/04/2018 - blog

We are enjoying it, so we go on. Do you already know: every last Tuesday, at 20h. Spread the word. Tuesday 24th April, 22nd Mai and 26th June 20-21:30h Multilingual Storytelling Jam Session La Rubia C/ Ferlandina, 29 MACBA Square Barcelona 08001 Metro: Universitat (L1) Bus: H16, 55

change of date
12/04/2018 - blog

Due to the demonstration organized for the 15th April, the Botanic Garden of Barcelona has decided to postpone the Spring festival “Planta’t” that I announced you here until the 13th of May. I apologize for the inconveniences.

05/04/2018 - blog

Two days ago the hackberries of my street were all bald. Today they have little leaves of newborn green, and I feel a strange joy imagining that all of them have stretched at the same time, just when I was not watching. Nature always surprises me. And stories, too: magic orange trees, talking birds, white bees and trees longing for marriage…. The 15th April, I will be telling in the Botanic Garden all these stories to the trees and to anyone who wants to listen. Planta’t al botànic! Sunday 15th April, from 11:30h néixer, créixer i florir 4 miniworkshops of ...

03/04/2018 - blog

Bimbirimboies arouse curiosity and whet your appetite: they told me that recently at Clarà Library, where many families left the session repeating this word, savouring it in their mouths. It is one of this words that you would like to say aloud and let it dissolve in the distance. Now they are approaching the Besòs district, so be attentive to the cry of «bimbirimboies!» bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà) from 4 years, free entrance Friday 13th April at 18h Ramon d’Alòs Moner Library Rambla de Prim, ...